Thursday, February 25, 2010

is this right?

i am grading said tests from last post.  there is a fill in the blank question that i made for the kids to answer which reads 'The one thing that people do not eat in Bethland is __________?' and the answer is meat.  i read a passage for the kids that i wrote about an imaginary place of my own with my own rules.  they did the same exercise a few weeks ago so they are familiar with the idea of my own place and rules ect.  i have one student who did pretty well on the test, actually has one of the highest grades and if i give her the points for what she put in the blank she will earn a 64%.

her answer?....'cat and dog'.

what is a girl to do?  in my heart this TOTALLY feels like the right answer, but really this is one of the answers on the test with the highest percentage of correct answers.  granted, most students have answered 'meet', but i am giving it to them.

still, i think i am just going to say that she wins today.  isnt it okay to just grant one of these students that little win for the day?  good for you megumi, that is 100% correct.  we do not eat cat or dog in bethland.

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