Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a complaint from the gaijin

i have made (almost now) through three days of work this week, all of which have been dreadful and long. 

monday was the worst as i woke up after having a toss-turn-repeat night of sleep and then looked in the mirror before leaving (this is a small miracle in itself that i actually LOOKED in the mirror) and saw that i had rubbed my left eye into a messy patch of redness that looked somewhat reminicent of a smashed strawberry in my eye.  great.  i had a headache and couldnt hear out of my right left ear either because i had messed with it too much earlier in a q-tip vs. the itch in my ear war.  clearly the q-tip won, but not in a good way.  so this was the start to my day and i had an open class to look forward to in about an hour.  (an open class is where every teacher and administrator in both schools on the island are invited to come and view your class and observe your teaching and then later ask you about it and give you feedback in a meeting.  the meeting i found out about later, two minutes after it started.  awesome.)  so i put on my best japanese face and went with it thinking to myself while eyes were on my first graders and me "genki, genki, genki".  luckily it was first grade and the energy of those kids is infectious, apparently even when you feel like H E double hockey sticks.  all went fine and i managed to stay upright through the entire forty-five minutes only pausing a few times at desks to regain my balance and remember what word i needed to say so they could repeat it.  needless to say i went right home after work and went to bed praying that everything would clear itself up and i would be better in the morning. 

tuesday came with great sunshine and hope.  i woke up feeling better, at least for the first fifteen minutes i was awake and then the headache and sneezing commenced.  now there are symptoms of allergies and and then there are just fits of sneezing and being plugged up that one cannot even fathom could really occur.  i managed to suffer the later for most of tuesday and boy was it a great day!  oh, and my eye was still lookin pretty fruity and gnarly and getting gasps and awes from the teachers around me. 

and now wednesday is almost through and i feel like i will be able to walk home without exhausting the rest of physical strength left in me for the first time this week.  with my only aliments to report today being sneezing and needing to blow my nose every ten minutes at least and my ear  that is throbbing with ache reminding me that i am foolish for attempting to scratch an itch in such a place, it has been a pretty good day.  im certain that the ear will be fine in due time but i wont soon forget about the pesky itch that brought this on and i had to reload on kleenex at my desk this morning, again.

its times like these that a girl wishes she was not so far from home or comfort.  im not really even sick, just a bit miserable with strange little ailments and it is making life seem much more japanese for the time being, i.e. "suck it up and get on with it.  dont EVER complain".  so dear, lovely readers i am doing the opposite, but out of sight from them and to you all who are more than familiar with hearing complaints from people daily.  thanks for listening.  im going to get back to sucking it up.  dijabu desu.  (im alright).

ps just so you know, if you ever visit, blowing your nose around anyone else is NOT okay.  they dont do that here.  imagine how popular i am in my staffrooms now! 

love and hugs


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