Tuesday, December 15, 2009

catching up on photos...

a shot of the island with previously mentioned hawk flying above.  they really are everywhere.  (photo by benjamyn rivers)

another shot of the island on a grey-er day.  not every day in paradise is sunny...just most of them.

a sunset shot down by one of the harbors.

yes, i have been fishing and yes i am learning how to gut and deal with the aftermath once it is off the hook.  not pretty but i guess this is how it's done.  sucking it up as sho would say...(and yes this is the extent of my kitchen.  huge, i know.

it might sound kind of morbid, but i have been hanging out in cemeteries a lot since i have been in japan.  what can i say, there are just a lot of them everywhere.  they aren't really cemeteries though, they are just shrines to the dead here by which all kinds of things are placed.  flowers like most of us are familiar with but a fanta soda or asahi beer are not uncommon either.  i guess it is whatever the dead's taste was.  anyhow, this is a shot from one of my favorite shrine spots here during the last full moon.  it was really breathtaking how the reflection was playing on the marble up there.

and here are the christmas lights!  they really are quite impressive for a tiny island like this one where everyone will work on christmas day, few if any gifts will be exchanged on that day and the kids all laugh when you say santa claus.  i guess they really think that american kids are suckers for believing in him.  i like their moxie! 

this is the main street in naru.  you can see this was rush hour as there was a car flying past as i took this photo.
oh!  and there is the only traffic light on the island again.  wow, how unusual, it's green...!

hope you all enjoy the little catch-up.  i will be more diligent.  love and hugs, beth

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